MDF Window Board


What is window board?


A window board is a ledge which is fitted to the base of a window, this is fitted against a window where it joins with an interior wall. Window boards ensure that the interior wall has a barrier protecting the cavity in the interior wall that is left exposed. Window frames do not typically fill the entire cavity created for them and a secondary element is needed to finish the window’s appearance. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines a window board as a board used in a window as part of the ledge or a frame or as a shutter. This is purely an internal finishing, covering a cavity and providing a decorative finish that acts as a barrier, blocking drafts from entering the room through any cavity in the wall.


What are the parts of a window board commonly known as?


Window boards are nosed and tongued and have returned ends to protect windows and the walls without compromising on style in the room.

Nose: Rounded edge that runs along the edge of the window board, creating a finished look and ensuring that the exposed edge is safe to bump up against, protecting yourself and the window.

Tongue: The tongue part of a window board has a groove cut into it which fits into the wall to create a neat seam. This sits across the blockwork and ensures no drafts escape into the home, protecting the wall from moisture buildup.

Returned ends: Window boards typically have returned ends that continue beyond the edge of the actual window and give windows their completed look.


What is a window board used for?


A window board is used to finish the gap between a window and an interior wall. The window board is essential to the window frame and ensures a clean, finished appearance at the base of the window. Window boards also act to protect the interior wall, acting as an extra barrier against condensation between the window and the interior wall. Once installed the window board serves both a decorative and a functional purpose as it can be used to display small objects and even plants if desired. In some cases, MDF window board can be used as a seating option in a larger window, especially where the window extends down closer to the floor. MDF window board is available in a variety of widths which makes it an ideal choice when deciding what material to choose for this multi-functional design element.


Are window boards and window sills the same thing?


Window boards and window sills or cills are both used at the base of a window, the only difference between the terms being where they are used within a home. Window boards are used within the interior of a home at the bottom of the window to cover the gap between the window and the interior wall. Window sills, also known as window cills or window ledges, are used at the bottom of the window on either the interior base of a window like a window board, or the exterior base of the window. Window sills can be used to help direct water away from the base of a window on an exterior wall.  


Is a window board necessary?


A window board is a necessity when installing a window. Window boards fill a void that is created because the window frame does not cover the entire recess created when installing a window and a window board is needed to cover the cavity created where the wall meets the frame. Window boards also act as a protective barrier between any condensation build-up on a window and the wall. When installing or updating a window you will need to consider the window board and what material is best for your space because there are a variety of options to choose from.


Is MDF a good material for a window board?


MDF is a good material to choose when considering how to finish your window. Historically window boards have been made of wood, but over time timber is susceptible to decay and may need to be replaced. Choosing a moisture resistant MDF window board from Alsford that is already primed with 2 coats of quality primer ensures your window board is easy for you to finish at home and offered in the width your need without needing to join smaller sections to create a desired width. MDF is also a cost-effective material choice and because it is produced in a variety of sizes it is easier to find the window board to suit your project. MDF may also be the right choice for your window board because it is a knot-free board, making it less labour-intensive to finish.


Is MDF window board water resistant?


Alsford has a selection of MDF window board primed white which is machined from moisture resistant MDF before being primed with 2 coats of quality primer. MDF window board is an ideal finish for use around a window frame, protecting your interior walls from moisture residue that may build up around your windows. Window boards act as an extra barrier that helps to stop condensation from running into the wall.  MDF does not move or warp like timber because of the nature of its makeup and this makes it a popular choice of material for finishing windows. MDF as a material is susceptible to moisture like timber but as it is pre-primed it is easy to finish with a single finishing coat.



Is an MDF window board suitable for all rooms?


While you can use an MDF window board in any room in your house, you are likely to experience the most issues when using it in high moisture areas such as bathrooms or kitchens. Choosing a moisture resistant MDF from Alsford is the best choice for an MDF window board. For these higher moisture areas like kitchens and bathrooms, it is up to you to decide what is the best fit for your space.


Is MDF window board safe to use?


Always adhere to up to date safety practices when cutting and installing MDF window boards and ensure you are wearing adequate PPE when working with any man-made materials.